New Roots Farm Incubator Co-op
Independent producers cooperative, fiscally sponsored by PRAIRIE
Phase 1: Getting Started
Land Access
Tech support
Business Plans
Phase 2: Room to Grow
Enterprise development & expansion
Value-added processing
Integrated livestock management
New product development
Participatory Research

Simeon Bakunda, emigrated from Zambia, has lived in the F/M community since 2009 is a founding member of the New Roots Farm Incubator Cooperative and has established a strong market presence at the Red River Market for the past 3 years. He is most well known for his tomatoes, African eggplants, Green beans, Green peas, Green onions and amazing multi-colored carrot bunches. Previous to involvement with New Roots, Simeon was a Core Group Leader with Growing Together Gardens in Fargo.
Mohan Sharma Dhakal joined New Roots two years ago, and is entering his third production season with expanded space and projected sales each week for both the Moorhead and Red River Markets. Mohan, originally from Bhutan, is also a recent addition to the New Roots board of directors and provides a key role, linking logistics and translation support to the other coop members.
Caliton Ntahompagaze and Honoree Kabatesi, emigrated from Burundi, have lived in the F/M community since 2005 and are also founding members of the New Roots Farm Incubator Cooperative. They market their produce as Caliton’s Family Farm, offering a wide range of vegetables and a strong focus on African eggplant as a part of the New Roots, “Room to Grow”. Shared land and equipment are offered at Prairie Rose Farm to support their learning and farm business expansion efforts.

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In 2021 the New Roots Cooperative Board elected to establish a fiscal agent relationship with PRAIRIE