Prairie Rose Farm offers Spring CSA vegetable Shares. For details and to sign up, go to the Red River Harvest Cooperative website.
Spring CSA Box
6 weeks of 3-6 lbs of assorted spring greens (lettuce, spinach, arugula, etc.), fresh herbs, asparagus, radishes, peas, broccoli, cabbage, rhubarb, etc. varying each week as they come into season. CSA members will be contacted when the first delivery is ready and receive a weekly newsletter listing expected contents for that week plus recipes and other farm news.
...local, fresh, hand-picked, grown without chemicals, delicious!
A Spring and Fall CSA Share will be available in 2022. CSA offers an opportunity to the consumer to share the risk and rewards of sustaining the land. As the lead farmer of a team that includes family, seasonal interns, volunteers, and New Roots farmers for advanced training opportunities, I pledge my best efforts at growing healthy food for your family in a manner that works toward the goals of restoring the health of soil and developing a long-term self-sustaining farm ecosystem.
Click the PDF button below to view our most recent newsletter.

Prairie Rose Farm has begun the practices essential for establishing a Demeter Certified Biodynamic farm within the next few years. Low and high tunnel greenhouse structures constructed this summer create the possibility for season extension, allowing earlier and later harvests of fresh greens and other vegetables. For the early greens this year, we are utilizing our backyard garden in Moorhead for a limited number of spring shares, plus an established bed of asparagus and rhubarb. A small herd of Dexter cattle is being established in 2022. In the future, we expect to also add goats and sheep to our farming operation. The animals are essential to the restoration of and to provide ongoing fertility needs for this 60-acre farm. Pollinator habitat, shrub & tree plants, permanent fenced pastures, and forage and cover crops are being established with a contract with NRCS over the next 4 years building a sustainable soil health building mixed livestock and vegetable/specialty crop system.
New for '22:
Minnesota Department of Agriculture and NC SARE grants provide support for a farmer team made up of Prairie Rose Farm, Caliton Ntahompagaze (Caliton's Family Farm), and Simeon Bakunda to explore season extension strategies for African eggplant, support Caliton in producing packaged frozen eggplant for sale in the off-season, trial white sorghum for grain, and sweet sorghum for syrup. Prairie Rose is an "affiliated farm" with the FAIR SHARE CSA Coalition and summer production will be focused on providing vegetables to local food shelves and for individuals participating in a small farm training program offered in partnership with New Roots Farm Incubator and the New American Development Agency.